Scotch® High Performance Masking Tape 3434


Scotch® High Performance Masking Tape 3434

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Manufacturer: 3M

Part Number: 078XX

Description: Scotch® High Performance Masking Tape 3434 can be used for a wide variety of automotive refinishing applications, including those in hot and humid environments. Our high-performance blue crepe paper masking tape has good solvent- and water-resistant properties and can be used in environments up to 110°C (230°F). It conforms well, has excellent holding power and tear resistance.


  • Our high-performance blue crepe paper masking tape is solvent and water resistant and can be used in environments up to 110°C (230°F)
  • Engineered as one of the highest-adhesion 3M masking tapes. it delivers excellent performance in humid environments
  • Scotch® High Performance Masking Tape 3434 has excellent holding power, even on plastic and rubber surfaces
  • It conforms well to difficult or irregular surfaces without tearing

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