Pirate Brand Empire Style Short Handle Suction Gun


Empire Style Short Handle Suction Gun

Manufacturer: Pirate Brand

Part #: 505-XXX

Description: Empire Style Short Handle Suction Gun. Ceramic nozzle.

Compatible with the following OEM manufacturers -

OEM Manufacturer Part No.


TFS is not affiliated with nor is it endorsed by the above manufacturer(s). The product depicted above is not produced or authorized by the above manufacturer(s), with the exception of Forecast Sales/Pirate Brand, RPB Safety, and Bullard.


Parts and Accessories:
Ref. No. Part No. Description
2 544-862 Coupling, Pipe, 1/2", Plain Steel
3 520-402 Fitting, 1/2" Hose x 1/2", Brass
4 505-621 Connector Fitting, Long & Short Handle
5 505-651 Air Jet 3/32" (Orange)

505-661 Air Jet 1/8" (Yellow)

505-671 Air Jet 5/32" (Green)

505-681 Air Jet 3/16" (Blue)

505-691 Air Jet 7/32" (White)

505-701 Air Jet 1/4" (Red)
6 523-912 O-Ring
7 1450-50 Rubber Sleeve
8 753-561 Gun Body, Short Handle
9 502-421 Nozzle, Ceramic, 1/4" Bore

502-431 Nozzle, Ceramic, 5/16" Bore

502-441 Nozzle, Ceramic, 7/16" Bore

501-331 Nozzle, Tungsten Carbide, 1/4" Bore

501-341 Nozzle, Tungsten Carbide, 5/16" Bore

501-351 Nozzle, Tungsten Carbide, 7/16" Bore

502-071 Nozzle, Boron Carbide, 1/4" Bore

502-081 Nozzle, Boron Carbide, 5/16" Bore

502-091 Nozzle, Boron Carbide, 7/16" Bore

1348-1820 Nozzle, Tungston Carbide, Wide Spray, 3/8" Bore

1348-600 Nozzle, Boron Carbide, Wide Spray, 3/8" Bore
10 505-641 Adapter, Nozzle, Nylon
11 523-881 O-Ring
12 520-081 Nut, Hose Clamp
13 551-052 Set Screw
14 112-4580 Air Hose (Red)
15 520-802 Suction Hose (Black)
16 1424-480 Retaining Ring
17 543-532 Elbow, Street

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