3M™ Versaflo™ Peel-Off Visor Covers M-928/37452(AAD), for M-927 Premium Visor, 40 ea/Bag


Versaflo™ Peel-Off Visor Covers M-928/37452(AAD), for M-927 Premium Visor, 40 ea/Bag

Manufacturer: 3M

Part Number: M-928 / 37452

Description: Used with the 3M™ Versaflo™ M 927 premium visor. The M-928/37452(AAD) visor cover fits over the premium visor and protects it from scratching or overspray of paint and chemicals. Up to five covers can be attached, one on top of the other.

Qty 40 ea/Bag


  • Helps protect from scratching or overspray of paint and chemicals
  • Up to five can be attached at once

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