AutoCAT 100 Series HVLP (Recirculating)


AutoCAT 100 Series HVLP (Recirculating)

Manufacturer: C.A. Technologies

Part Number: A100HC-xx-xxx

Description: The A100HC is an industrial general-purpose automatic air spray gun of the highest quality. Designed for production use, this gun offers self-adjusting needle packing, air adjusting valve, lightweight rugged construction.

The Autocat A100HC is fitted with dual fluid inlets to recirculate the coating close to the fluid nozzle (so materials will not settle) allowing for even solids distribution. All Autocat guns come standard with all stainless steel fluid passages and can be used in a wide range of markets. Order HVLP or Conventional.


  • Air Inlet - 1/4” NPS (m)
  • Fluid Inlet - 3/8 NPS (m)
  • Weight - 24 oz.
  • CFM is dependent on Air Cap

Part Sheet: AutoCAT 100HC (A100HC)

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