Martech Cool Tube Assembly Adjustable with Belt


Martech Cool Tube Assembly Adjustable with Belt

Manufacturer: Martech

Part Number: 201

Description: Cools incoming air from compressed Grade “D” breathing air sources by as much as 30F. It helps maintain worker comfort and maximize productivity while working in extremely hot and humid environments.

Cool tube features an adjustable airflow control valve that allows the user to adjust the incoming air temperature to a level best suited to individual comfort. Cool tubes are MSHA/NIOSH approved.

Air Source: Stationary or Portable compressor supplying Grade “D” breathing air.

Breathing Air Pressure:

Hose Length  
25-50 feet  55-65 p.s.i.
60-70 feet  60-70 p.s.i.
65-75 feet  65-75 p.s.i.

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