Dedoes Air Nozzle With Shut Off Valve Assembly – Green


Air Nozzle With Shut Off Valve Assembly – Green

Manufacturer: Dedoes

Part #: AN002

Description: A lightweight and efficient tool that blows air in order to accelerate the drying time of waterborne and solvent paint coatings with a valve to easily turn on and off.

The air nozzle is used to accelerate the drying time of both waterborne and solvent paint coatings. It increases the output air speed while maintaining the CFM usage comparable to a traditional air amplifier. The quick shut off valve allows the air nozzle to be easily controlled with an on/off valve. This is a lightweight and convenient size for both storage and transportation, most painters carry it in their pocket. The Air Nozzle is rugged and made of durable ABS plastic. With no moving parts, it is an efficient and easy to use solution to fit your paint drying needs.

  • Weight: 0.5 lbs
  • Dimensions: 3.5 × 2 × 1 in

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