Binks Premium Elevator Systems, 55Gal, RH Controls, Rotory Piston Agitator, DX200SN-1 Pump & Return Tube


Premium Elevator Systems

Manufacturer: Carlisle Binks

Part#: DE-10DL15ND-04

Description: Binks premium elevator systems provide a plug ‘n’ play elevator system configured to work out of the box, saving installation and assembly time. 

The Binks premium elevator systems are fully configurable, and assembled to your specifications, to meet the demands of any production installation. They utilize the Binks range of pumps and agitators to offer the best fluid handling delivery system, and include a host of operator and safety features. All Binks elevators feature an anti-twist mechanism, and sturdy construction and they are designed for use with both solvent- and water-based materials.


Elevator: DE-10
Stroke: 205 L/55 gal 955 mm (37.6")
Controls: RH up/down Agitator & pump control, Pneumatic interlock
Lid: 205 L/55 gal Type B lid Hatch + Electric agitator + DX200 + 1xSuction + Return + Reinforcement
Agitator: 205 L/55 gal Rotary Piston
Pump/Suction: 205 L/55 gal 1/2" Suction tube + DX200SN-1
Hose Management: 955st Double flexible conduit Ø50
Return Hose: 205 L/55 gal 1/2” BSPP Return tube through lid


Elevator Specifications:

Min Inlet Pressure: 3 bar (44 psi)
Max Inlet Pressure: 7 bar (100 psi)
Air Connection: G 1/2" BSPP Female
Max Load: 75 kg (165 Ib)
Max Load Distance: 375 mm (14.8")
Max Drum Diameter: Ø 640 mm (25.2")
Max Operating Speed: 0.1 m/s (4"/s)
Weight: 70 kg (154 Ib)
Base Elevator Max Height: 2268 mm (89.3") 
Width: 350 mm (13.8")
Recommended Air Quality: Dirt: 5 μm

Water: -20° C @ 7 bar (940 ppm)

Oil: 0.1 mg/m3
Noise Level @ 100psi < 70 dBA
Temperature Range: 0-40° C (32-104° F )
Earth Connection Resistance: <1Ω


*Image for reference only. Actual elevator may vary*

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