Binks Fluidall™ Hose Assemblies (Low Pressure)


Binks Fluidall™ Hose Assemblies (Low Pressure)

Manufacturer: Binks

Part Number: 71-33XX

Description: Premium, versatile fluid hose, for finishing operations plus a wide range of fluid applications. Fluidall™ is ideal for resins and solvents contained in epoxies, urethanes, alkyds, primers, acrylics, polyesters, silicones, bitumastic coatings, oil and water based paints, lacquers, alcohol and latex coatings. Temperature range from 0° F to +190°F (max).

  • Tube: Nylon.
  • Reinforcement: High tensile synthetic braid. Specially designed for maximum flexibility (under pressure) and maximum coupling retention.
  • Cover: Black, synthetic, smooth rubber. Class B oil resistant.
Hose size is I.D., depending on the manufacturer the O.D. may differ 

Based on supply, hose color may vary.

Order will be satisfied with priority to the psi rating and  I.D. size.

Color is not guaranteed.

Hoses are NOT Returnable

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