Dedoes Cyclone Electric Shaker And Pedestal Combination


Cyclone Electric Shaker And Pedestal Combination

Manufacturer: Dedoes

Part #: SK3037

Description: Cyclone Electric Shaker And Pedestal Combination

With a non-explosion-proof motor, this machine operates with a dial timer. Minimal installation is required and is easy to use.

The Electric Cyclone Paint Shaker mixes both paint and primers within minutes. As the industry’s most trusted paint shaker, the Cyclone is durable and built to last. It accommodates a variety of sizes such as pints, gallons, aerosol cans, 4 liter, and 5 liter cans. With a quiet non-explosion-proof motor this shaker can shake up to 18 lbs. Easy-to-use velcro safety straps have been added as the machine operates at 350 oscillations per minute.  A six foot power chord is included.

Can Clamp does not exceed cans larger than 7″ diameter and 9.5″ tall.

  • WEIGHT: 60 lbs
  • DIMENSIONS: 9 × 23 × 17 in

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