Norton® SoftTouch® Contour Sanding Sponge


SoftTouch® Contour Sanding Sponge

Manufacturer: Norton

Part Number: 07660703078

Description: SoftTouch® contour sanding sponges are coated with a high performance abrasives and a waterproof bond so they can be used wet or dry. They can be used on a variety of materials, metal, glass, composites, and plastic as well as on primer or painted surfaces. SoftTouch® sponges are designed to give needed flexibility for hand sanding without leaving finger marks. Their conformability allows you to generate a superior finish in hard to reach areas and they can be used instead of scuff pads or waterproof sheets.

QTY per box: 20

Dimensions: 4-1/2 in W x 5-1/2 in L, 3/16 in THK

Abrasive: Silicon Carbide


  • Superior flexibility, for hand sanding or finishing flat, curved, contoured and hard to reach areas on wood, metal, composites, paint and solid surfaces
  • Can be used wet or dry
  • Premium foam substrate provides for an extremely smooth and uniform sanded surface
  • Clog-resistant, washable, reusable
  • Eliminates finger marks
  • Conformable to all shapes
  • Grit printed on the back of each sponge to easily identify the right product to use

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