Piston Pumps

Piston Pumps

Piston Pumps

Piston pumps, also known as reciprocating pumps, are commonly used in paint application processes to deliver paint or other coatings with high precision and efficiency. These pumps utilize a piston mechanism to generate fluid flow and pressure.

Piston pumps deliver paint with great accuracy and repeatability, ensuring consistent coating thickness and quality.  They can generate high pressure, making them suitable for applications that require a fine spray or when coatings need to be applied at a certain pressure for optimal performance.  

Piston pumps find applications in various processes, including:

  • Airless Spray Systems: Piston pumps are commonly used in airless spray systems, where they deliver high-pressure paint to a spray gun for atomization and even coating application.
  • Paint Circulation and Supply: These pumps can be used to circulate paint within a closed-loop system, ensuring consistent paint quality and preventing settling or separation.
  • Metering and Mixing: Piston pumps can be employed in metering and mixing systems to accurately proportion and deliver precise amounts of paint and additives for color blending or specialized coatings.

Piston pumps can handle a wide range of paint viscosities without significant changes to the pump setup, saving time and money.  They also provide efficient paint delivery, reducing waste and minimizing downtime for refilling or reloading.

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