#4 Ford Viscosity Cup Equiv.


#4 Ford Viscosity Cup Equiv.

Manufacturer:  C.A. Technologies

Part Number: 97-9101

Description: The Ford viscosity cup, also known as a Ford cup, is a simple gravity device used to measure the viscosity of a liquid. There are different types of Ford cups, each designated by a number, such as Ford cup #4.

The Ford cup #4 is a specific type of viscosity cup with a particular size and shape. It is used to measure the viscosity of liquid materials such as paints, inks, and varnishes. The cup is filled with the liquid to be tested, and the time it takes for the liquid to flow out of the cup through a small hole at the bottom is measured. The viscosity of the liquid is then calculated based on this flow time.

Different Ford cup numbers are used for liquids with different viscosity ranges. The Ford cup #4 is typically used for liquids with medium viscosity. It provides a simple and quick way to assess the viscosity of a liquid, although it may not be as accurate as more sophisticated viscosity measurement methods.

Overall, the Ford viscosity cup is a useful tool for quality control and process monitoring in industries where viscosity control is important.

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