Binks Air Drive Agitators for 55 Gallon Closed Drums


Rotary Piston Air Drive Agitators for 55 Gallon Closed Drums

Manufacturer: Carlisle Binks

Part #: DBG619-XT, 2XDBR619-8T

Description: For use with 55 gallon closed drums with built in shaft/agitator paddles.

Options Available:

 Mounting Horsepower
Bung Mount 1/2 or 1HP
23" Clamp Mount 1HP
24" Clamp Mount 1HP


Reduce air consumption by up to 90%!

Carlisle Fluid Technologies rotary piston air driven agitators are the cost-saving alternative agitators that typically provide a return on investment in under one year. Typical pneumatic agitator motors blow compressed air across vanes and allow for large volumes of air to be exhausted without doing any work. The Carlisle Fluid Technologies rotary piston motor directs air into sealed piston chambers to make every CFM count. This significant reduction in CFM consumption and running costs quickly justifies the installation cost, making it the next best choice before going fully electric*.

*Actual savings dependent on many variables including environment and product configuration. Data based on Binks 15:1 geared agitator drive run 0-100 psi max, 50-150rpm within a 1 poise fluid.


  • Instantly Know Your Agitator Speed. With the press of a button, Carlisle Fluid Technologies' rotary piston motors instantly indicate your RPM speed – ensuring you achieve the right balance between paint conditioning and energy efficient operation.
  • A Solution for Most Applications. With options for 5 gallon pails, pressure tanks, 55 gallon drums, day tanks, and totes, you’re sure to find the right Carlisle Fluid Technologies rotary piston motor solution for your paint kitchen.
  • Low Maintenance and Durability. No air line lubrication is required for the piston motor. Periodic greasing of the bearings will help extend its service life.

Parts and Accessories:


Air Motor Manual

Bar Mount Manual

Bung Mount Manual

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