Dedoes Thrift-O-Matic Sixteen Place Gallon Mixing Machine


Thrift-O-Matic Sixteen Place Gallon Mixing Machine

NEW! The electronic timer operates in time intervals of 3, 15, and 30 minutes.

Manufacturer: Dedoes

Part #: 016040-T

Description: The Thrift-O-Matic Table Top Mixing Machine offers you exact color matching capabilities and the power to mix even the heaviest enamels, micas, and color keyed undertones. It Is durable with a state of the art powder coat finish and zero assembly time required. This can hold 16 mixing stations of 1 quart/liter cans or 3.5 liter/gallon cans. This machine requires the RJ ClicSeal gallon size lids. (Not included.) The motor is controlled by an intrinsically safe electronic timer that operates on 5 volts DC. The timer runs in time intervals of 3, 15, and 30 minutes.

  • Dimensions: 70 x 9.5 x 31
  • Weight: 125lbs

Parts and Accessories:

  • 5731A - Rj Magnetic Metal Quart / One Liter Platform

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