WIWA 400 Airless Automatic Spray Gun


400 Airless Automatic Spray Gun

Manufacturer: WIWA

Part Number: 06XXXXX

Description: Airless automatic spray gun for fully and semi-automatic painting systems. Fast closing automatic spray gun. For pneumatic closing device. Nozzle connection thread 11/16“ UNS. Suitable for water-based and solvent-based paints.

For even more accurate and faster closing there is the possibility of connecting a pneumatic closing device. The WIWA 400 automatic gun is equipped with a material return flow connection and can be used either with or without circulation.


Max. nominal pressure 400 bar (5800 psi)
Max. material temp. 80°C (176°F)
Material inlet 1/4" NPS, 3/8" NPS
Weight 0.42 kg (0.93 lbs)


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