WIWA 500 F Airless Spray Gun


500 F Airless Spray Gun

Manufacturer: WIWA

Part Number: 0643411A1

Description: 7250 psi airless spray gun. Robust Airless spray gun with four-finger trigger and front connection. All material contacting parts are made of stainless steel, making the 500 F also suitable for water containing lacquers. Also the ideal solution for Hot Job hot spraying applications, because the front connection makes sure that no hand contacting parts will heat up.

Front connection 1/4“ NPSM with nozzle connection thread 7/8“


Max. nominal pressure 500 bar (7250 psi)
Max. material temp. 80°C (176°F)
Material inlet 1/4" NPSM
Weight including tip guard 0.8 kg (1.76 lbs)

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