ZIP 52 Double Diaphragm Pumps


ZIP 52 Double Diaphragm Pumps

Manufacturer: C.A. Technologies

Part Number: 

Description: The ZIP pneumatic double diaphragm pumps were designed specifically for a reduction in air consumption coupled with better performance and maximum reliability. The exclusive design enables its use for corrosive, abrasive, and highly viscous liquid media. ZIP pumps cover a broad application spectrum, including the feeding of paint supply systems; the feeding and circulation of printing ink, solvents, paints, chemicals, and oils; the disposal of liquid waste; the supply of flow viscosity adhesives; and filling/ emptying of tanks, drums, and containers.

Pump Ratio: 1:1
Volumetric Flow: 13.7 gal/min 1.8 CFM
Inlet and Outlet: BSP 1/2”
Material Pressure: 116 PSI (7.8 bar)


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