3M™ Perforated Trim Masking Tape


3M™ Perforated Trim Masking Tape

Sold In Cases Of 6 Rolls

Manufacturer: 3M

Part Number: 0634X

Description: 3M™ perforated trim masking tape features a rigid band along one edge that slips gently behind moldings, lifting them slightly from the body. This tape allows paint to flow beneath the moldings while masking their exteriors for a professional, finished paint job without removing or replacing the moldings or rework for paint lines. Perforations allow you to tear the tape by hand, saving time.


  • Perforations allow for hand tearing without tools
  • Hard band at the tape edge slightly lifts moldings from the body for concealed paint edges
  • Speeds paint time - no need to remove or clean auto body moldings
  • Helps reduce replacement of existing moldings, saving money
  • Strong polymeric film backing holds up to pull force, removes in one piece
  • Translucent liner makes precise placement easier

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