Aftermarket Graco® 25D-235 Kit, Xtreme 180 L/PE (Non-OEM)


Kit, Xtreme 180 L/PE

Manufacturer: Total Finishing Supplies

Part #: 20-3409

Comparable OEM Part #: 25D-235

Description: Xtreme Packing and Tuff-Stack Repair Kit, 180cc. Compatible with the following equipment:

  • Graco | 180cc Xtreme 750
  • Graco | 750 Xtreme (180cc)
  • Graco | Xtreme 180cc (750)
  • Graco | Xtreme 750 (180cc)

Comparable to Graco® 25D-235

Graco®, PerfomAA™, Merkur™ and Reverse-A-Clean® (RAC) Tip are registered trademarks of Graco®, and the same company may claim unregistered trademark rights in other words. The advertised parts are intended to fit Graco®, PerfomAA™, Merkur™ and Reverse-A-Clean® (RAC) Tip spray equipment. They are not, however, manufactured, endorsed, or sponsored by Graco® or any of their affiliates, and no warranty by Graco®, or any of their affiliates applies. Total Finishing Solutions, LLC is not affiliated with or sponsored or endorsed by Graco® and is not one of their authorized distributors.

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