Bedford BP7250 S.H.O.


BP7250 S.H.O. Airless Spray Gun

Manufacturer:  Bedford Precision

Part Number: 61-3500

Description: 7250 psi (500 Bar) airless spray gun with a .278" (7mm) orifice. A powerful and reliable tool for a variety of spray coating applications. With a maximum pressure of 7250 PSI (500 bar), this manual spray gun delivers a precise and uniform coating with minimal overspray. The .278" (7mm) orifice provides excellent atomization, allowing for a smooth and even finish on surfaces. This airless spray gun is constructed from durable materials and is designed for long-lasting performance, making it an ideal choice for professional painters, contractors, and DIY enthusiasts.


Filters Available:

High Pressure Hoses:

  • 50' x 1/4" Airless Hose Assy, 3300 PSI [13-932]
  • 3' x 3/16" Airless Whip Hose, 3300 PSI [13-792]

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