Binks HD-QCH Quick Cleaner


Binks Quick Cleaner

Manufacturer: Carlisle Binks

Part #: HD-QCH-500

Description: The Quick Cleaner will help you to reduce your waste disposal costs and lower your VOC output. Flush times are lowered, decreasing color change times and improving overall process efficiency. Low pressure (less than 100psi) applications only

Reduces solvent consumption during flush sequences by 30% - 50%

Reduce equipment flush times by 20%-60%

The Quick Cleaner simultaneously mixes solvent and compressed air to scrub paint lines and fluid passages quickly and thoroughly, eliminating color contamination. Easily fitted into automatic installations for immediate solvent savings. Both manual and automatic applications can benefit from quicker color change times with adjustments to the flush sequence.


  • Simultaneously mixes solvents and compressed air to scrub paint lines and passages reducing solvent usage and cleaning time
  • Eliminates potential color contamination
  • Infinite adjustability allows for the proper solvent-air ratio to ensure clean fluid passages
  • All wetted parts are stainless steel, PTFE and plated brass to work with all materials and solvents
  • Check valves on both air and fluid inlets prevent possible backflow contamination
  • Fit and forget; no wear parts requiring regular maintenance
  • Easily installed with multiple mounting methods
  • Connectable to either NPSM or BSP threads


Max Inlet Working Pressure (Air/Fluid): 6.9 Bar (100 psi, 10.69 MPa)
Fluid Passage Materials: Stainless Steel, PTFE, Nickel Plated Brass
Inlet Threads Compatible With: 1/4 BSP, 1/4 NPSM
Outlet Threads Compatible With: 3/8 BSP, 3/8 NPSM


Parts and Accessories:

Ref. No. Part No. Description
1 HD-QCH-001 Quick Cleaner Replacement Body
2 SSBV-6S-316 Ball Valve
3 6T-6T 3/8” Nipple
4 HD-QCH-012K4 Kit of Four Busing Seals
5 HD-QCH-011 Air Adjustment Valve
6 HD-QCH-013 Fluid Adjustment Valve
7 6T-4T 3/8” to ¼” Nipple
8 SSCV-4-6T Check Valve
9 QSK-006 Earth Lead Kit
10 HD-QCH-002 Mounting Bracket Kit

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