Bobcat Automatic Air Assisted Airless Spray Gun


Bobcat Automatic Air Assisted Airless Spray Gun

Manufacturer: C.A. Technologies

Part Number: ABxxx

Description: The new auto BOBCAT AAA has all stainless steel wetted areas, great for woodworking and metal finishing. It encompasses a new revolutionary needle design that simplifies maintenance and cleaning. Each gun is packaged with the ability to be used in circulating or non-circulating systems. The gun circulates very close to the tip to minimize material settling. The auto BOBCAT is designed for being a direct replacement for existing competitors guns with virtually no changes in mounting block or hardware. 

Air Inlet - 1/4” NPS (m) 
Fluid Inlet - 1/4" NPS (m) 
Weight - 20 oz. 
Requires 6 CFM 

CA Tech Flat Tips

Air Cap 26-101

Air Cap Retaining Ring 21-1001

Standard Manifold / Gun Base 66-266

Cefla Manifold (with Pivot Hub) / Gun Base 66-268

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