C.A. Technologies By-Pass Regulator & Gauge for Pressure Cups (0-15 psi) – 52-5R2


C.A. Technologies By-Pass Regulator & Gauge for Pressure Cups (0-15 psi)

Manufacturer: C.A. Technologies

Part Number: 52-5R2 

Description: C.A. Technologies By-Pass Bi-pass Bipass Regulator & Gauge for Pressure Cups (0-15 psi).

The C.A. Technologies by-pass regulator and gauge (part # 52-5R2) is ideal for any pressure feed spray guns that do not have a “ported head” as a means of pressurizing the cup. The regulator connects to the air inlet fitting on most pressure feed spray guns (bottom of spray gun handle) and will allow for air regulation to the pressure cup while also allowing air pressure to pass through unregulated to the spray gun for atomization. We recommend 3-5 psi for most pressure cups. (Most pressure cups will have a 10 psi maximum pressure).

Works with H/O Pressurized Cups

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