C.A. Technologies FE-Line Fine Finish Spray Gun


C.A. Technologies FE-Line Fine Finish Spray Gun

Manufacturer: C.A. Technologies

Part Number: FEFF-xx-xxxx

Description: The FE-Line Fine Finish HVLP is CAT's lightweight ergonomic spray gun designed around the technology of the CAT SLP. The 12 point air diffusion design significantly improves pattern coverage uniformity, process capability, and color consistency. The FE-Line’s lightweight ergonomic design also reduces fatigue and increases mobility.

Lightweight Ergonomic Design
29 PSI Inlet Pressure
Patented 12 Point Plenum Design
Weighs Only 15 Oz.
HVLP - 65% Transfer Efficient or Better
All Stainless Steel Fluid Passages
Low Pressure Eliminates “Haloing” and “Motting” (Spray Stain Setup - .8x1308)

Smart / CAT Pack Includes: FE-FF, 3 needle/nozzle setups (0.8, 1.3, 1.7), 2 air caps, tools & case.

Air Caps Available here

Fluid Nozzle Available here

Needles Available here

Parts Sheet

Sales Sheet

3M PPS 2.0 Cup System - Brochure

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