C.A. Technologies® HVLP Turbine Gun With Cup


C.A. Technologies® HVLP Turbine Gun With Cup

Manufacturer: C.A. Technologies

Part Number: 60-TRBN-2

Description: C.A. Technologies® HVLP Turbine Gun With Cup

C.A. Technologies® 60-TRBN-2 (Non-Bleeder) HVLP Turbine Spray Gun with Cup. Also a replacement for the Graco® 256855 EDGE® gun, Capspray 0524041 Maxum II gun, and Capspray 0524052 Maxum Elite guns. Compares with Apollo E7200 HVLP Turbine spray gun. A High-Quality Turbine HVLP Gun and Cup for use with most any Turbine HVLP Outfit. Delivers superior spray pattern due to quality fluid and air nozzle construction. (See Picture). Non-Bleeder Style Gun!

1.3mm Nozzle Set

8 point air diffusion ring provides a superior uniform finish

A precision air cap with independent air passage for fan control offers a consistent finish even at the narrow fan pattern settings.

Air Inlet - Turbine quick release
Fluid Inlet - 3/8 NPS (m)
Weight - 20 oz.

60-TRBN-9 Fan Control Assembly

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