CAT-X Gravity Spray Gun


CAT-X Gravity Spray Gun

Manufacturer: C.A. Technologies

Part Number: CAT-X-x-xxx

Description:  CAT-X Gravity Spray Gun

CA Technologies is proud to introduce our new CAT-X professional-grade automotive spray gun. The CAT-X provides extreme atomization, handle ergonomics, and fluid delivery superior to all the competitive guns on the market today. The CAT-X includes the HVLP air cap and the pressure-reduced air cap to meet all the codes and regulations throughout the United States. The CAT-X comes in five distinctive handle designs, allowing you to customize your finishing experience.

  • Extreme material atomization
  • Extreme transfer efficiency
  • Extreme material application speed
  • Built for the professional finisher
  • Choice of handle designs
    • Black Teflon™
    • Classic Clear
  • AII Stainless Steel Fluid Passages
  • Lightweight with handle ergonomics

The CAT-X Gravity Pack comes in a durable plastic case that includes 3 to 4 different needle and nozzle sizes for spraying a wide range of materials along with other accessories to make this the most valuable spray gun kit in the industry.

Automotive CAT-PACK includes 3 needle/nozzle setups(1.3, 1.4, 1.5), 2 air caps, gravity cup, gun hook, tools & case.

Wood CAT-PACK includes 4 needle/nozzle setups(1.0, 1.3, 1.5, 1.7), 2 air caps, gravity cup, gun hook, tools & case.

The E-Pack includes only the needle/nozzle setups, 2 air caps, gravity cup, and tools.

3M PPS 2.0 Cup System - Brochure

3M PPS 2.0 Lids & Liners

For High Viscosity Coatings:
H/O Pressurized Cups + By-Pass Regulator

*Spray Packs pictured represent the gun and cup accurately for each - Automotive, Wood and E-Packs will include items listed above.

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