Dedoes Alliance Clicseal Gallon / Four Liter Non Mixing Pour Lid


Alliance Clicseal Gallon / Four Liter Non Mixing Pour Lid

Manufacturer: Dedoes

Part #: 616P

Description: As the industry leader in mixing equipment, our lids are the highest quality. The revolutionary seal and gasket design seals the inner chime of the can and drastically reduces solvent and water evaporation with fewer openings in the lid. It is designed with a precision pouring spout and plastic closure blade which allows for greater efficiency with volume paint matching. This lid is a Non-Mix Lid to be used in the Alliance Mixing Machine.

  • Weight: 0.67 lbs
  • Dimensions: 14 X 10 X 8 in
  • Machine: Alliance Machine
  • Mix/Non-Mix: Non-Mix
  • Size: Gallon

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