Dedoes Cyclone Pneumatic Shaker And Pedestal Combination


Cyclone Pneumatic Shaker And Pedestal Combination

Manufacturer: Dedoes

Part #: D-0925

Description: The Cyclone Paint Shaker mixes both paint and primers within minutes. As the industry’s most trusted paint shaker, the Cyclone is durable and built to last. It accommodates a variety of sizes such as pints, gallons, aerosol cans, 4 liter, and 5 liter cans. This shaker also includes the pedestal that can be bolted to a tire or directly to the shop floor.

Can Clamp does not exceed cans larger than 7″ diameter and 9.5″ tall.

  • WEIGHT: 19 lbs
  • DIMENSIONS: 17 × 15 × 9 in

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