Denray Wind Meter


Denray Wind Meter

Manufacturer: Denray

Part #: Wind Meter

Description: The Wind Meter is designed to give the operators a visual perspective of the condition of the filters. When filters are plugged, they allow much less air to flow through, thus capturing less dust. Not knowing when filters are plugged is the BIG QUESTION.
The industry standard is the Magnehelic Gauge, which Denray has used for years on many tables. Even with the red line on the gauge though, many people do not relate with static pressure. Everybody relates with speed.

The Denray Wind Meter box can be used on any downdraft table and any dust booth. New machines are furnished with the Wind Meter with the air speed noted on the box for that machine. For existing machines, we will furnish tags for readings for each machine. Watch How Easy the Wind Meter is to Use!


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