DeVilbiss ProLite Gravity Spray Gun Kit w/ 900ml Aluminum Cup


DeVilbiss ProLite Gravity Spray Gun Kit w/ 900ml Aluminum Cup

Manufacturer: DeVilbiss

Part #: 905040, 905041, (TE) 905043

Description: The DeVilbiss PROLite spray gun delivers exceptional performance and color matching capabilities for today’s automotive refinish coatings that can be difficult to atomize, such as low VOC, high solids, pearls or metallic materials.


  • Lightweight design delivers a uniform spray pattern and atomization distribution for an exceptional quality finish that professional painters demand

  • Range of advanced air cap technologies for excellent application performance with the latest waterborne and solvent borne coatings
  • Ergonomic handle design with reduced trigger travel to decrease operator fatigue
  • Environmental legislation-compliant atomization with high transfer efficiency resulting in significant paint savings
  • Drop-forged aluminum, anodized gun body with removable air baffle for a longer working life


  • ProLite Gravity Gun
  • Aircap Options HV30 or TE10 & TE20 depending on kit
  • Needle/Nozzles 1.2, 1.3 or 1.4 depending on kit



Part and Accessories:

1.1-1.5 Fluid Nozzles

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