DeVilbiss Snap-N-Flow 15 oz. Disposable Mixing Cup


Snap-N-Flow 15 oz. Disposable Mixing Cup (100 ct.)

Due to supply chain challenges, a portion of the Snap-N-Flow product line, including the lids with integrated filters, is being discontinued. DeVilbiss DeKups remain an equivalent replacement.

Manufacturer: Carlisle DeVilbiss

Part #: SNF-15-K100

Description: The simplified design of the SNAP N FLOW™ system allows painters to measure, mix, spray and store all in the same mix cup — providing a significant savings in paint and time. The specially designed lids snap on the cup. In a snap, you’re ready to spray.

This innovative system creates a constant flow of paint from the cup through the gun. Unrestricted consistent fluid flow gives you the best color matching and more control over your jobs.

Snap-N-Flow How To Guide


  • Cups and lids available in 15 or 32oz.
  • Integrated lid filters available in 125 or 200 micron sizes.
  • Adapters are available to fit a majority of gravity guns from major gun manufacturers.
  • Flat lids available for long-term paint storage
  • Lid plugs available to hold the cup upside down to keep the filter wet during short-term storage.
  • Shaker ring is used when cup system is placed on paint shaking equipment.

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