DeVilbiss Tru-Cure UV-LED

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Hand Held UV-LED

Manufacturer: Carlisle DeVilbiss

Part #: TC-UV-01

Description: The Tru-Cure UV-LED™ is a portable, hand-held device used to cure UV materials in automotive refinishing and touch-up applications. The Tru-Cure UV-LED unit features a unique lens that generates consistent UV intensity across light coverage areas, ensuring proper curing across the entire surface. Conventional UV equipment uses standard lenses which can be inconsistent and may over-cure the center area of objects while under-curing outer edges.

Additionally, the Trisk | DeVilbiss Tru-Cure UV-LED unit delivers higher energy (power) than competitive units at this price point. Average intensity is measured at 165 mW/cm2 when 10 cm (4”) from surface. UV light intensity and energy is consistent throughout the full life of the battery charge – whether the battery is at 90% or 10% remaining capacity, the UV intensity remains unchanged.


  • Handle is made from glass-reinforced polymer for strong yet lightweight design
  • Molded handle is comfortable, balanced, and ergonomic
  • Includes replaceable air filter, increasing the life of the LED and components
  • Product is shipped in custom foam molded hard case for storage, with space for extra battery
  • Packaging includes battery, charger, LED unit, spare filter, and UV protective eyewear

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