
FLOCCER™ by BECCA is a wastewater treatment flocculation powder that will clean your waste. The process separates your waste Solids from the liquid. This process is known as flocculation.  FLOCCER™ is a step up from our passed Clarification Packets.  FLOCCER™ is formulated so it will not go airborne like the black powder – – It is easier to handle safely and costs way less than our current Clarification Packets to produce.

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FLOCCER™ by BECCA is a wastewater treatment flocculation powder that will clean your waste. The process separates your waste Solids from the liquid. This process is known as flocculation.  FLOCCER™ is a step up from our passed Clarification Packets.  FLOCCER™ is formulated so it will not go airborne like the black powder – – It is easier to handle safely and costs way less than our current Clarification Packets to produce.


  • Reduce Disposal Cost – Dispose of per Federal, State & Local Requirements
  • Easy to Use
  • Several different ways to purchase
  • Available in: 84 oz Container, 25 Dissolving Packets, 100 Dissolving Packets  


Works Great with Automotive Refinish Waterborne Base coat Paints Including:

    • Axalta
    • PPG
    • Sherwin WIlliams
    • BASF
    • Akzo Nobel
    • Valspar
    • & Others



Floccer Literature

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