MS Elite Powder Hose Set 610139-XX


Powder Hose Set For MS Elite Powder Carts

Manufacturer: MS Powder

Part #: 610139-XX

Description: Powder hose set for use with MS Elite Series M5+ Manual Powder Carts. The new generation MS Elite Series M5+ system has been developed for industrial powder coat, contract coating and production operator applications. Simplicity of operation is the key element to the system’s design, making it easier to operate. This simplicity of design allows for faster color change and gives the added benefit of lower maintenance requirements. Configurations include single or dual applicators and a variety of cable and hose lengths.

Included in the set:

  1. 810195-XX - Powder Hoses 10mm ID
  2. 810190-XX - Powder Hose 11mm ID
  3. 461942- XX - Hand Gun Cable (M5)
  4. 421370-XX - Gun Air Hose
  5. 620120 - Velcro Band (Cut length 100mm x 30mm)*

*Velcro band should not be placed withing 1m of gun connection

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