Karajen Pump Bottle Holder (AKA - Double Magahook)


Karajen Pump Bottle Holder (AKA - Double Magahook)

Manufacturer: Karajen

Part #: 0016

Description: Hang your degreaser pump bottles, and other tools, conveniently with our magnetic Pump Bottle Holder (AKA - Double Magahook).

Degreaser pump bottles have a wider neck than standard spray guns, and usually don’t fit well on a common spray gun hanger. The Pump Bottle Holder is specifically designed for hanging pump bottles and yet versatile enough to hold other items such as pneumatic tools. It’s a super-strong, double, multi-purpose magnetic hanging hook. \n

  • Strong, sturdy, built with 16-gauge steel with a powder-coated finish
  • Uses two high power magnets to keep your items in place
  • Will hold the weight of pump bottles, pneumatic tools, and many other types of tools
  • The soft covering on the hanging shafts to avoid damage to tools
  • For shop, industrial, and home use
Material props shown in images are not included.
CAUTION: Never use any magnetic accessory on or near computer equipment. Use caution with all magnetic products. Keep fingers and other important body parts away from the path of the magnetic - metal contact.

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