Ransburg Intelliflow RF2 Comms Gateway


Ransburg Intelliflow RF2 Comms Gateway

Manufacturer: Ransburg

Part #: 310-414X

Description: Communication gateways for the Ransburg Intelliflow RF2 unit.

On-demand metering and mixing with the RF2 offers flow rates and ratio accuracies within 1%, meaning significant reductions in coatings and material waste. It’s also capable of remote monitoring and troubleshooting, reducing the risk of unexpected downtime.

Select between:

  • EtherNet IP
  • Profinet
  • DeviceNet
  • CC-Link
  • EtherCat

Seamless Connectivity and Integration

  • EtherNet/IP communication comes standard for seamless integration with your PLC, robot, or SCADA system, with many other protocols also available
  • Unit can be operated completely remotely by sending trigger signals, color change, flowrate, and ratio commands
  • Cloud-based remote monitoring allows the equipment to be securely operated or diagnosed in real-time from anywhere in the world
  • Track and export organized process data in real-time or batches for process improvement and VOC reporting

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