Sagola 6000X Air Heater


6000X Air Heater

Manufacturer: Sagola

Part #: PT10780104

Description: The Sagola 6000X Air Heater system heats compressed air to a constant working temperature to ensure a stable painting process and a reduction of relative humidity.

Regardless of the environmental conditions, the Sagola 6000 supplies compressed air used in painting processes at a constant temperature, even when there are large temperature differences between day and night, winter and summer.

Supplied with an anti-static hose, specially designed to prevent heat loss of the air before it reaches the nozzle.



Air Flow 750 L/min @ 7 bar
Max Working Pressure 7 bar
Recommended Temp Clearcoats 40ºC to 60ºC
Recommended Temp Clearcoats 30ºC to 50ºC
Recommended Temp Clearcoats 30ºC to 40ºC
Temp Sensor Termopar
Weight 3.6kg

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