SATA Adam X Digital Display


Adam X Digital Display

Pre-Order Only, Anticipated Release January 2025

Manufacturer: SATA

Part #: 1201996

Description: The adam X is SATA’s entry into the digital world of painting. It is particularly compact and clearly laid out - and is particularly suitable for those who primarily want to use the basic functions. The adam X displays the inlet flow pressure, the ambient temperature, the operating time and the battery status. The menu items are selected with a tap on the housing. This is simple and practical, even with gloves. The slim digital unit is easy to mount on the jet X with a quarter turn. A docking station is not required.

The jet X is the most advanced paint spray gun from SATA. With its innovative nozzle concept, it achieves a new outstanding surface quality for basecoats and clearcoats. It helps you achieve better finishes more easily.

The digital units of the adam X series allow you to standardise and reproduce these results at a high level.

With their diverse functions, they support you in making processes transparent and avoiding errors.

Comes standard on the SATAjet X DIGITAL

Specifications: adam X pro adam X
Mounting on the QAC without docking station
Inlet pressure display
Conversion bar/psi
Target pressure input
Target pressure alarm function
Operating time indicator
Ambient temperature indicator
Conversion °C/°F
Battery status indicator
Double-tap operation
Tilt operation
Data on operating hours, painting time and number of trigger pulls
Transfer of important parameters to the digital dashboard


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