SATA RPS Multi-Purpose Cups


SATA RPS Original Bendable Cup System

Manufacturer: SATA

Part #: 101XXXX

Description: System consists of 3 components: cup, lid, and filter/sieve. Select your desired setup.

  • Cup sizes are 0.3, 0.6, and 0.9L
  • Filters are 125µm and 200µm and may only be available as flat or plug-in
  • 0.6L cups are also available in UV protective material

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  • Bendable: Flexible cup lid "neck" which allows painters to tilt the cup forward or side to side, ensuring optimal paint flow at any spray angle.
  • Clean: When the paint job is finished, squeeze the RPS cup and close the vent cap to create a vacuum inside, turn spray bun upside down and pull trigger to empty material passage.
  • Safe: Durable robust threaded connection.
  • Refillable: Design of cup allows the simple and clean topping off and easy exchange of material filter if needed. It makes a painter’s life much easier, considerably increases productivity and drastically reduces the consumption of cleaning solutions and solvents.

*Bendable cup systems are not compatible with SATAminijet 3000 and earlier models

Spare Components: 0.3L cups: 0.6/0.9L cups:
  • Lids:
1013218 (Standard)
1013234 (minijet 3000 B)
  • Flat Sieves:
160606 (125 mesh) 131979 (125 mesh)
144964 (200 mesh)
  • Plug-in Sieve:
131987 (200 mesh) 131987 (200 mesh)



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