ScotchBlue™ 2090 Series Painter's Tape


ScotchBlue™ 2090 Series Painter's Tape

Sold Per Case

Manufacturer: 3M

Part Number: 2090-XX

Description: ScotchBlue™ painter's tape original multi-surface 2090 is the No.1 selling painter's tape in the US for a reason - it's the original blue tape that DIY painter's and pros have loved for more than 25 years. It can be used on a variety of surfaces. It removes cleanly for up to 14 days, even when exposed to direct sunlight.


  • Delivers sharp paint lines
  • Removes cleanly with no residue
  • Applies quickly and easily
  • Easy-to-use - comes off the roll easily
  • 14 days clean removal
  • Can be exposed to direct sunlight
  • Medium adhesion

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