TriTech Lube


TriTech Lube

Manufacturer: TriTech

Part #: 400-0X0

Description: These products are chemically engineered to clean, lubricate and protect your spray systems. Use daily for cleaning and maintenance.

TriLube airless spray system lubricant is chemically engineered to lubricate, protect and clean your spray system. It dissolves material on displacement rods and reduces premature wear on cylinders, rods, packings and seals from dried pigment particles.

TriLube’s POWER3 formula mixes readily with solvents and thinners, evaporates slowly and is flame resistant. Other oils are NOT SUBSTITUTES for TriLube.


  • Portable Pumps: Fill wet cup 1/2 full so that TriLube can be wiped out if unit is to be tipped during use and transportation.
  • Fixed Pumps: Fill wet cup 2/3 full. Remove TriLube only if saturated and thick with material pumped past the seals.

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