Tsunami Ultra-Flo Spray Hose


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Ultra-Flo Spray Hose Individual and Packs

Hoses are NOT Returnable

Manufacturer: Tsunami

Part Number: 21999-0495, 21999-0449, 21999-0450, 21999-0783, 21999-0784


Defend your work in the booth and take your air system into the future with Tsunami Ultra-Flo Technology. Designed to lay flat and not prone to the coil, the Ultra-Flo Spray Hose reduces static build-up with a built-in anti-static strip. High quality and durable, the Ultra-Flo Spray Hose is built with a proprietary internal lining that prevents breakdown and contamination, meaning you won’t have to replace it as often.

Features & Benefits

  • Engineered for high-temperature exposure, up to 160°F.
  • Excellent solution for paint booth applications.
  • Anti-static strip reduces or eliminates static build-up.
  • Extremely lightweight.
  • Manufactured from high-quality materials.


Hose Length Part Number
Qty Max PSI
Thread Size Hose ID
5' 21999-0495 1 300
1/4" Male 3/8"
35' 21999-0449 1 300
1/4" Male 3/8"
50' 21999-0450 1 300
1/4" Male 3/8"
35' 21999-0783 10 300 1/4" Male 3/8"
50' 21999-0784 5 300 1/4" Male 3/8"

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