UltraTech Ultra-IBC Funnel®


Ultra-IBC Funnel®

Manufacturer: UltraTech

Part #: 0648

Description: The Ultra-IBC Funnel is an all-polyethylene funnel that is designed to securely sit on top of most caged IBCs on the market. The large, 40" x 30.5" surface provides a huge target for pouring. Raised ridges allow containers (buckets, oil filters, fuel cans, etc) to be placed upside down for passive draining.

Product Highlights:

  • Raised ridges allow containers or other items (gloves, rags, etc.) to be placed on the funnel for passive draining
  • Fits most caged IBCs on the market
  • All polyethylene construction provides excellent chemical and corrosion resistance
  • Bottom of funnel is designed to lock into place on the IBC cage
  • Built-in strainer helps remove contaminants from poured/drained liquid


Dimensions 40" x 30.5" x 5"
Containment Capacity 5 Gal.
Weight 10 lbs
Flow Rate Through Drain 11 GPM (based on water)

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