Wagner RG52.050SACM Stainless Steel Container, 50L, With Agitator


Stainless Steel Container, 50L, With Agitator

Manufacturer: Wagner

Part Number: RG52.050SACM

Description: Stainless Steel Container, 50L, With Agitator

Lightweight containers, stainless steel, polished surface. With openable lid for paint supply and storage. Equipped with in- and outlet connections for e.g. material, circulation, measurement equipment or agitator. Additional drain connection at the conical bottom.



Length A 3 ft
Length E 1 ft
Connection F G 1/2" M
Connection G G 1/2" M
Connection H G 3/8" F
Total Capacity 50L (13.2 gal)
Folding Cover Yes

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