Wagner TopFinish DD10 Double Diaphragm Pumps


Wagner TopFinish DD10 Double Diaphragm Pumps

Manufacturer: Wagner

Part Number: DD10-xxxx

Description: The WAGNER TOPFINISH DD10 is the first air-operated double diaphragm pump that guarantees high-quality surfaces without the use of a material pressure regulator. This pump saves up to 70% solvent in clean-up.

  • Typical savings can be around $9,500 per year for reduced solvent usage and lower maintenance costs
  • Change of diaphragm takes less than 15 minutes
  • Perfectly suited for supplying material to manual or automatic air spray guns and 2-component systems
  • Revolutionary concept for pulsation-free material flow without a material pressure regulator

Up to 70% savings in rinsing agent and waste with the WAGNER TOPFINISH DD10 - the first material feeding pump for airspray applications without a material pressure regulator

  • Easy to use & time-saving - Two precisely adjustable rotary regulators with pressure gauge for the pump pressure and atomization air
  • Rapid service - You only need four standard tools to meet all of the pump’s service requirements – quick and easy
  • Homogeneous spray pattern - The revolutionary pump concept guarantees absolutely pulsation-free working, thus ensuring the best surfaces
  • Built to last - All parts coming into contact with liquid are made from stainless steel. This means all materials can be processed with one pump
  • Reliable operation - The pump can be installed in any conceivable position without restricting its function
  • Simple integration - The regulator unit can be installed either sideways or length-ways

DD10 Cut Sheet

DD10 Brochure

DD10 Manual



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