Walcom Thermodry Compressed Air Filtration System - FSRD 4


Walcom Four Stage Compressed Air Filtration System - FSRD 4

Manufacturer: Walcom

Part #: 60138/11

Description: A modular filter system ideal for use in the painting booth.

4-Stage Filtration:

  1. Pre-filtering element in sythentic fibre for the elimination of condensation. Automatic discharge.
  2. Oil-separating filter for the elimination of residual pollutants. Manual drainage tap.
  3. Silica dryer group to reduce residual humidity in the compressed air. Nr. 3 saturation indicator lights.
  4. Active carbon filter to eliminate all impurities and obtain breathable air. Max oil residue < 0.0003 mg/m3


  • Pressure adjuster: Membrane system and automatic decompression
  • Air inlet: F 3/4"
  • Air outlet: Nr. 2 from M 1/4"
  • Filtering power: Air 5µ - oil 0.01µ
  • Working pressure: 12 bar
  • Air consumption: 1200 l/min to 6 bar
  • Weight: 11 Kg

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