3M™ 471 Series Fine Line Masking Tape, Blue


471 Series Fine Line Masking Tape, Blue

Sold By The Case

Manufacturer: 3M

Part Number: 471-XX

Description: 3M™ vinyl tape 471 is a versatile tape that provides long-lasting floor and safety marking, sharp paint lines on complex jobs and reliable seals or repairs in a variety of industries. Designed with unique stretch properties, this tape conforms to rough, irregular, curved and convex surfaces while remaining stretched and without lifting after application. The rubber adhesive offers quick stick and excellent holding strength on many substrates. The tape removes cleanly in one-piece from most surfaces to help reduce clean up and labor costs. Conformability, instant adhesion and clean removal all make 3M™ vinyl tape 471 an exceptional choice for temporary surface protection, general-purpose paint masking and decorating.


  • Unique stretch properties enable tape to remain stretched to conform to uneven surfaces without lifting and retracting
  • One-piece, clean removal from many surfaces which helps reduce clean up and labor costs
  • Rubber adhesive provides excellent holding strength on many surfaces
  • Good abrasion and solvent-resistance for long service life

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