Duct Quarter Section Skirt (Storm/Rain Collar) - Paint Spray Booth

$80.00 $114.29

Duct Quarter Section Skirt (Storm/Rain Collar)

Manufacturer: Total Finishing Supplies Spray Booths

Part #: SBE155-XX

Description: Duct Quarter Section Skirt (Storm/Rain Collar). Ref. No. 8 in diagram.

Paint Spray Booth Exhaust stack components are fabricated from galvanized steel: 22 gauge for under 24" diameter; 20 gauge for 24" diameter and above. Available skirt sizes are 12", 18", 24", 30", 34", and 42" diameters. Duct design meets Uniform Fire Code NFPA 91, latest edition.

FOB - You will be contacted with a freight quote or you can arrange your own freight.

Booth duct and accessories are custom made. They are non-returnable/sales are final once shipping confirmed

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