Total Brush Sander™


Total Brush Sander™

Manufacturer: Total Finishing Supplies

Part Number: TFS-TBS

Description: The Total Brush Sander™ is a conveyored cup brush sealer-sanding system designed for effortlessly sanding wood profiles, including cabinetry, doors, trim, and molding. Engineered for precision and efficiency, this innovative tool features high-quality abrasive bristles that conform to contours, ensuring a smooth, consistent finish without damaging delicate details. Whether you're preparing surfaces for staining or refining your final product, the Total Brush Sander™ delivers professional-grade results with minimal effort. Perfect for woodworkers, cabinetmakers, and trim specialists, this versatile sanding solution enhances productivity while maintaining superior craftsmanship.


  • Unique Surface 360-degree Brush sanding technology
  • Easy LOW-COST brush and abrasive replacement
  • Easy operation with touch screen control display – 6 customizable programs for easy and fast change-over
  • Automatic cleaning function, leaving the doors dust free and ready for finishing
  • Different size machines to fit any size Shop from 39” TO 51"

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