UltraTech Ultra-IBC Berm®


Ultra-IBC Berm®

Manufacturer: UltraTech

Part Number: 0816

Description: Dual containment system provides outstanding protection for IBCs.

Combining the functionality of a rugged polyethylene (LLDPE) spill pallet with the containment capacity of a spill berm, the Ultra-IBC Spill Berm is a great economical alternative to traditional IBC spill pallets. With an 85-gallon inner pallet and 400-gallon outer berm, this system is designed to handle catastrophic spills that traditional IBC spill pallets cannot. Set up takes minutes and requires no tools or forklifts.


  • Inner spill pallet contains smaller spills (up to 85 gallons) and elevates intermediate bulk containers (IBCs), tanks and totes for easy dispensing.
  • Outer berm captures catastrophic spills or projectile leaks (up to 400 gallons).
  • System can be quickly and easily set up without forklifts or other handling equipment or tools.
  • IBCs can be loaded/unloaded without breaking down berm sidewalls.
  • Economical alternative to IBC spill pallets.
  • Polyethylene (pallet) and 22 oz. PVC (berm) construction stands up to rigors found onsite.
  • Provides excellent chemical compatibility.
  • Weight capacity UDL 6500 lbs.


Part No. Dimensions ft. (m) Containment Capacity gal. (L) Weight lbs.(kg)
8240 6 x 6 x 1.5 (1.8 x 1.8 x 0.46) 400 (1514.2) 136 (61.7)


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